Highlights of Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme (JCCSTEP)
1. IMMERSIVE AND EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING"T-shaped people" possess a depth of knowledge in at least one discipline and a breadth of knowledge in innovation and entrepreneurship. This allows them to work effectively with professionals in other disciplines to bring their ideas to life.
2. A Whole Experience
4. HONG KONG YOUNGTREPRENEUR PITCHHKYP is a pitching competition for JCCSTEP students who wish to bring their ideas to reality. We provide a platform for young entrepreneurs to showcase their creativity and bring their impact to society.
Introduction of JCCSTEP
Since 2017, CoCoon Foundation has reached over 15945 (and growing!) Hong Kong secondary school students through JCCSTEP to equip them with the necessary 21st century life skills to thrive in an unpredictable world. This has been achieved through the generous support of the the Jockey Club Charities Trust Fund.
Our year-long program consists of 8 core STEPS that:
Our year-long program consists of 8 core STEPS that:
- Enables 21st Century life skills of collaboration, creativity & problem solving
- Connects students to other students, startup communities & mentors
- Equips students to guide their own learning, spot opportunities & come up with innovative solutions
Voices From Our Community
Startups | Corporates | Teachers | Students