30.Sep.2022 | Ming Pao 明報 | JCCSTEP |
24.Aug.2022 | Ming Pao 明報 | JCCSTEP |
30.Sep.2022 | Ming Pao 明報 | JCCSTEP |
24.Aug.2022 | Ming Pao 明報 | JCCSTEP |
Hope Through Innovation: Future of Youth Through the Eyes of the Community 賽馬會浩觀青少年創業培訓計劃 創新成就希望:未來始於青年 | 2022 - 2023
A book about the future of youth. We are so happy to revisit the voices and stories of our alumni, listen to the thoughts and opinions of our current students and explore the reflections of our teachers and students from newer ventures in the programme. How has their journey been? What are the next steps they plan to take? What will the future of youth look like? |
Hope Through Education: future of education from the eyes of the community 教育成就未來:聆聽社群對未來教育的展望 | 2021 - 2022
A book about the future of work. It is a dive into the diverse voices of students, teachers, startups, investors and corporates that make up the community at the CoCoon Foundation. What are their hopes, concerns and advice when it comes to the world of work in the 21st century? |
Hope Through Transformation: future of work from the eyes of the community 成就創新蛻變: 打開對未來工作的展望 | 2020 - 2021
A book about the future of work. It is a dive into the diverse voices of students, teachers, startups, investors and corporates that make up the community at the CoCoon Foundation. What are their hopes, concerns and advice when it comes to the world of work in the 21st century? |
Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme Impact Report 2023 - 2024
We are most grateful for the support of Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation to fund the Student Training in Entrepreneurship Program. In this iteration of the program, we place a focus on connecting entrepreneurship thinking and mental wellness, in which we believe that entrepreneurship as a life skill provides individuals with the skills necessary to explore self-actualization while solving for the needs of one’s community. 我們非常感謝李錦記家庭基金會對青少年創業培訓計劃的支持。在本年度中,我們專注於將創業思維與心理健康相結合,我們相信,創業精神作為一種生活技能,能為個人提供探索自我實現所需的技能,同時滿足社區的需求。 |
Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme
Impact Report 2022 - 2023 The 2022-2023 academic year marks our sixth and final year in partnership with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. We are so grateful for their support all these years, making it possible for our team to empower the next generation of youth to be compassionate and sustainable leaders. 2022-2023學年標誌著我們與香港賽馬會慈善信託的第六年也是最後一年合作。我們非常感激他們這些年來的支持,使我們的團隊能夠賦予下一代年輕人成為有同情心和可持續的領導者的能力。 |
Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme
Impact Report 2021 - 2022 The pandemic continued in the academic year of 2021-2022. Yet, CoCoon Foundation has strived to stay positive and agile towards the rapid changing situation to ensure that students have the best experiences and learnings no matter in a physical or online setting. 2021-2022年疫情仍然持續,浩觀創業基金繼續在疫情下保持積極應對的心,務求在實體或網上的形式下,都能夠盡力讓學生有最好的體驗與學習。 |
Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme
Impact Report 2020 - 2021 Take a peek at how Jockey Club CoCoon STEP continues to equip Hong Kong secondary school students with an entrepreneurial mindset and skill set. |
Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme
Impact Report 2018 - 2019 Let's explore how Jockey Club CoCoon STEP continues to empower Hong Kong secondary school students by fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and equipping them with essential skills. |
Jockey Club CoCoon Student Training in Entrepreneurship Programme
Impact Report 2017 - 2019 Gain an in-depth understanding of how our Jockey Club CoCoon STEP has impacted students in Hong Kong through key numbers and testimonials in our latest 3-year Impact Report. |